During fellowship, we are required to complete the General Psychiatry Resident-in-Training exam (PRITE) for PGY-4’s and the General Child PRITE (all fellows, both years). During our second year, most fellows take the General Psychiatry board exam in the fall. If a trainee scores 50 points below the national mean for their class, they will be counseled by the program directors on ways to improve. If a trainee scores 100 points or more below the national mean for their class, a remediation plan will be developed with the fellow’s internal supervisor in order to provide regular follow-up. Dates for these exams will be provided at orientation. All first year fellows who need to take the General Psychiatry PRITE will be given time during Thursday Didactics. Please make every effort to be available and present on the scheduled days of the exams. More information on the PRITE exams can be found at: https://www.acpsych.org/prite
Of note, for first year fellows, after the General Psychiatry PRITE this year, you’ll be ready to take the boards come Fall 2024! Stay tuned in the winter for an announcement of the deadlines for registration for the adult boards with the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN). They will not hesitate to drop a $500 fee for late registration!
To graduate from child fellowship, we are required to complete 3 clinical skills verification exams (CSVs). Attendings on inpatient, ABC, and in the ED are aware of these requirements and will attempt to schedule them with you prior to the end of your rotation. However it always helps to be proactive, and if you see an opportunity for completing a CSV, ask faculty to help you out and make it happen! The required form is available online at: