It may happen that you observe a patient care situation that elicits concerns or there is a need to report mistreatment that you experience or observe. If this occurs, don’t hesitate to be in touch with your supervisors, program directors, and chiefs for guidance. There are also multiple resources in the Health System and on the UCLA Campus that you can access for assistance.


Health System:


UCLA Campus Resources:

  • Ombuds Office: This office assists with a myriad of concerns, including workplace conflicts, situations involving harassment and discrimination, issues related to policies and procedures, grade disputes, issues regarding student conduct, insensitivity to matters of race, gender, or sexual orientation, abuse of power, and ethical problems. When conflicts arise, campus Ombuds persons can facilitate communication and mediation and provide an opportunity for informal and confidential resolution. Ombudspersons are committed to seeking fair and equitable solutions to problems while ensuring the confidentiality of those who use their services.
  • For more information:
  • To contact the Ombuds Office, email or call 310-206-2427.
  • UCLA Title IX Office (T9): If there is any concern on campus about gender discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence, you can contact the T9 Office at:


  • UCLA Discrimination Prevention Office (DPO): If there is any concern on campus about discrimination or harassment based on race, ancestry, national origin, disability, religion, age, and other protected categories, you can contact the DPO at:
  • UCLA Compliance Office: If there is any concern on campus that a University policy or federal or state law may have been violated, you can access the:


Additional confidential and non-confidential services:


Non-Confidential: #